ImoceanTitles → Call-Outs


The Call-Outs template is a great visualization of the characteristics of your product, item or data. Showcase your video by highlighting the most significant properties, parameters or features.

The project has flexible settings and easy targeting. You can use any color, control position, size, opacity of graphics elements. Video tutorial will help you to customize the template quickly.

After Effects and Premiere Pro versions.

– 4K, FULL HD | 30 fps
– Any changes of each element
– 30 call-outs / 10 different design
– Use any color
– Easy and fast targeting
– Video tutorial and detailed help file are included
– Preview Panel

after effects titles, premiere pro titles, mogrt titles, analytics, area, arrow, business, call out, call outs titles, call-outs, callouts, characteristics, chart, clean, connect, corporate, data, description, detail, digital, double text, economical, footnote, future, glitch, hi-tech, hud, info, infographics, information, interface, labels, lines, lower third, minimal, modern, mogrt, parameters, pointer, premiere pro, presentation, product, sci-fi, science, statistic, target, technology, template, text, title, titles, typography, visualization